April 13, 2023

Expert panelists from NAMI Southwest CT, Laurel House and The HUB spoke about regional resources.

Topics covered included:
– Support education and employment
– Free evidence-based classes to better understand your loved one’s mental health condition
– Social rehabilitation workshop and groups, including skills for success, emotion management, wellness and writer’s workshop
– Cognitive skill building and remediation
– Where to find local resources

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org

The Stamford YMHA is a city-wide network of providers, advocates and concerned individuals to improve conditions for children and adolescents struggling with their mental health. Questions concerning individual cases and concerns should be referred directly to your care provider.

© Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance

c/o The Fiduciary Entity: Dovetail: SIP, Inc. | 40 Clinton Avenue | Stamford, CT 06901

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org

The Stamford YMHA is a city-wide network of providers, advocates and concerned individuals to improve conditions for children and adolescents struggling with their mental health.  Questions concerning individual cases and concerns should be referred directly to your care provider.

© Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance

c/o The Fiduciary Entity: Dovetail: SIP, Inc. | 40 Clinton Avenue | Stamford, CT 06901